Add words for me to add to an image generator

I’ll start.

click to unblur

spider-man flag

Lets get some verbs in here.
spider-man driving flag

Lets get some adjectives in there:


Oh that one is going in first
invisible spider-man driving flag

bad job i can definitely see him

Yeah it’s pretty much all Spider-man. Gotta get some more words in there.
invisible tangerine spider-man driving flag

pink please

Starbucks macchiato

Please has to go at the end. Politeness is important.
invisible tangerine spider-man driving flag pink please

Oh-uh, hi spider-man.
invisible tangerine spider-man driving flag pink starbucks macchiato please

I’d buy it.

Now seems like a good time to add an “in the style of” phrase.
invisible tangerine spider-man driving flag pink starbucks macchiato in the style of please

we have lost both spider and man.

finally he is invisible.

In the style of The Green Goblin
invisible tangerine spider-man in the style of The Green Goblin 
driving flag pink starbucks macchiato in the style of please

Is he visible again? or do we finally have our fuchsia goblin?

I’m having a go:

a renaissance painting
invisible tangerine spider-man in the style of The Green Goblin 
driving flag pink starbucks macchiato in the style of a renaissance 
painting please

Goblin confirmed???

i want to add the word goblin repeatedly until we break the image in some way

I’ve added three goblins. Is this better?
invisible tangerine spider-man goblin in the style of The Green Goblin 
goblin driving flag pink starbucks goblin macchiato in the style of 
a renaissance painting please

You can also suggest a
“negative prompt”
. Which is something you want the generator to make the image NOT look like.

anything that isn’t a goblin

i’ve very strongly decided that i’m only interested in seeing the distilled pure essence of goblinhood and nothing else will satisfy me now thanks

invisible tangerine spider-man goblin in the style of The Green Goblin 
goblin driving flag pink starbucks goblin macchiato in the style of 
a renaissance painting please

Negative Prompt:

Anything that isn't a goblin

Putting the word “goblin” in the negative prompt section might have backfired.

skateboard kickflip