It's the rules game!

Dearest Bob.

Despite the lengths I went to I really didn’t have anything to say that necessitated more than three posts in a row. Please accept my apologies.

The Genuine Very Real Super The Real One The Bone Queen.

Welcome Really Big Skull Queen. Your cranium constitutes correctly completing condition quatro.

What novel clattering. You have passed rule 1.

Alas, you have passed no rules.

Incredible. I was not aware, however this has now been remedied. You have passed rule 1.

Multiple posts are welcome in our contest of context. This post, for instance, passes rules 1 and 3. However, I must also apologize, for I earlier cautioned against advancing airs, but I should have cautioned against the opposite.

while the Bone Queen is busy screaming at her skeletons to try to get them to get into a conga line you happen to stumble across a sheet of notepaper with various scribbled notes on it:

advancing air??

retreating ground??

digging a big hole underneath bob???

a secret in the broken soda bottles?

lock bob in the basements??? ??

This last entry has been circled multiple times.

Dearest Bob.

Despite the lengths I went to I really didn’t have anything to say that necessitated more than three posts in a row. Please accept my apologies.

The Genuine Very Real Super The Real One The Bone Queen.

Also please come over here and stand on this discoloured square of flooring and get ready to watch my skeletons perform an exciting new dance that I had choreographed just for you.

I promise it’s going to be jaw-dropping and maybe other things dropping, if you get what I mean.

Oh dear…perhaps I should have cautioned against affronting airs instead…
Passes rule 1.

Ah a duplicate. Passes rule 3.

I would be happy to oblige, after all I…woops …:hole:

in the distance below you hear

passes rules 1 and 3…


SPLASH :sweat_drops: :sweat_drops:
…Damn this is a lot of soda…
…Like…I don’t think I even owned this much soda…
…Did Lord Pendlehurst order more soda once my stocks ran out?

Oh my stationary! Let’s see…
To my esteemed guests,

As we approach the second fortnight of our game I suppose it would be best for me to provide a bit of extra insight. On to the mechanics of how the rules are judged. Don’t worry, I shan’t spoil anything - that has already been done. I wish to share some insight into how to better reply to one another. A feat a few of you have already mastered.

If you are curious about the inner workings of a post, you may peer into the coded function of it by selecting the “Reply” icon below the post in question. Then, in your composer, you may choose the :speech_balloon: in the top left and the entire post will be recreated for you, allowing you to peruse any tricks within at your leisure.

This may be done for any post, and while I wish this feature to be more intuitive in the future, for now it remains functional if not obtuse.

Your humble host,
Bartholomew T Pennington

*As the letter is tossed up above the hole you once again hear a faint shouting.

Oh right, This post passes rule 1 and 2…maybe 3? no not 3, just 1 and 2.