Most of the art I do is for forum adventures and so most of what I have that I like enough to post in here is from adventure concepts that I never followed through on.
I’m not really up for recieving critique on these works. I don’t consider art to be my main skill and I have some extreme self worth issues that make it difficult for me to feel positive about most things that I do. If I’m posting it here I feel at least somewhat good about it and I recognize I would probably react badly to strong criticism.
I do not use AI generated art and will not for anything in this thread.
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A room design for a forum adventure I didn’t end up making back in 2011. I was taking very direct inspiration from the Homestuck troll arc at the time and it would have featured a cast of 26 ‘elves’ each themed around a different greek letter as they competed to survive the final week of their brutal education. Essentially encouraged to hunt one another down as the more kills each one graduates with the better caste and higher social standing they will achieve.
This would have been apocryphalAsena’s (Alpha’s) room. I’m still pretty happy with the perspective on this one.
Here’s a piece of art I did of her (Alpha from the above adventure) from 2021. She was secretly a werewolf I think? I still kind of like her as a character, pretty evident given she’s the only character from this adventure I have ever returned to and done actual art of.
This was some puzzle design I did for an adventure in 2015 before I realized I don’t really want to make adventures that are very tightly designed puzzles.
The core concept was the blob changed colours and got different abilities from different metamorph pads (i.e. the ones with the little yellow lines beneath them). Grey (two eyes) could just move left or right. Pink (three eyes) allowed you to jump up one level. Yellow (four eyes in a circle) meant you floated up to the ceiling and then could move left or right from there. Orange (four eyes in a line, two sets of two) allowed you to climb up the side of walls.
More details of minor puzzle elements
Plain buttons needed only be pressed once for their linked object to activate. Buttons with the down arrow needed to have something weighing down on them to keep their object activated.
The coloured circular panels indicated that a certain colour of blob was needed in order to activate the linked object.
Boxes could be picked up and carried inside the blob. Brown (wooden) ones weighed less than black (metal) ones. A yellow (floating) blob could be weighed down and move along the floor normally with a metal box.
The white tubes were elevators that would be operated by any colour blob that could get inside them.
I think these puzzles are a sound introduction to the mechanics I wanted in the adventure but eventually I realized this just would not be any fun as a forum adventure being more suited to a little puzzle platformer kind of game and I definitely do not have the skillset to make that.
The predecessor to the blob adventure. This one I made in like 2011 and I’m pretty sure I was taking strong inspiration from Portal at the time. It had much worse and less parseable puzzles. All of which seemed to involve getting special elemental charges on a magic wand and then interacting with puzzle elements that just never felt unified.
Unlike the blob adventure this one had some narrative built in. It was about a boy who had grown up inside this facility trying to escape from his controlling AI mother, who for some reason was only ever depicted on monitors etc as a pair of lips.