Thumbnail - like design for Forum Adventures?

So at [theme - Discourse Meta](On the discourse theme page). There are lots of possible site themes, but what interests me is the way the themes are all presented.

Could there be a way to make something like that the display for forum adventures? Then adventure authors could create thumbnails to preview their adventure for new readers?

It may also be useful to have unique formatting for Forum Adventure posts, like this “blog post” style theme: A Quiet Desert Sunset - blog - Theme Creator

Maybe it could be set so that posts by the OP match this style, while user comments have the distinct visual?

And letting the OP choose to use this style or not could be a great addition. Not sure if it is possible.

Congrats! You have unlocked a new discourse feature!

Tag-based components!

So the “blog post” style linked, above does something where it only applies itself to Topics (Threads) that have a specific tag applied.

This means that when someone can choose to have a specific theme or designed applied to just their topic.

Currently we have the “adventure” tag, which takes the blog post styling above and adjusts it so that posts made by the topic creator have a more prominent appearance than the replies.

I, personally, am still a novice at front-end web design, so this particular theme will probably be undergoing some quality of life improvements.

As for changing the display of forum adventures to match the discourse theme page (each forum adventure has its own thumbnail, arranged in a grid), it’s certainly possible as we are running the same core software. Although I haven’t found the exact plugin/design yet. I’ll add it to the Todo list.

We’ve now have a component that does this very thing active for the Forum Adventure category.

The plugin is this one: Topic List Thumbnails - theme-component - Discourse Meta

I may disable/tweak it until we get more topics in Forum Adventures. We can also further customize it as needed, but it is there now.

Why does it look like that?

Ya gotta be more specific. There are so many settings that look certain ways and look different on different browsers. The “adventure” tag doesn’t even work on mobile browsers currently.

I think that my question can be solved by learning how thumbnail mode works. I just used the adventure tag because it was there and then the formatting made it so the image became the header and left the first post without an image.

It’s not like a disaster, it’s workable I just didn’t know what I was doing because I had entered some sort of fugue state.

The adventure tag is still under construction. It’s based on a plugin designed to make the post look like a blog - hence the image at the top. I am working on refining its functionality (which includes removing the blog image header).