It's the rules game!

oh drat

You can do it aks. I believe in you.

Okay let’s take this from the top.

Michael Myers
Jason Voorhees

An otter locked in mortal combat with a bear. The battle is the scariest and most violent thing you’ve ever seen. Really picture it. It would be terrifying.

I said Pinhead this time, but in an alternate reality I could have said Freddy Krueger. Really makes you think.

Something else that makes you think: what if I was to say, welcome to the Space Consortium?


passes no rules

passes no rules but i too believe in aks

Oh Aks…

Passes rule 2, 3, 4 and 5.

Passes rules 2, 3 and 4.


Micheal Myers
Jason Voorhees

Imagine another universe where I didn’t mess up rules I already understood and got this right the first time. Really picture it. It would be terrifying. If that’s doesn’t spook you up real good consider the following


and finally


Passes rule 1, 2, 3 (barely), 4 and 5! Congratulations this post passes all the rules! Rules post coming up.

The rules of this round were:

1. Asteroid City - Must include the name of every person on the list so far and then add one new one. To be added onto the list a name must be in a post that includes the name of every person already on the list. If in such a post multiple names are present then the first name in the post that is not currently on the list will be added to the list. If there are no names on the list then the first named person in the thread is added to the list. People on the list can be real or fictional but usernames do not count for the list.

This rule was inspired by a running gag that I enjoyed in the movie and not easily inferable. The main difficulty with this one is picking Michael Myers as the first name. I drafted a version of the opening post with Spider-Man instead but decided against it for some reason. idk.

The List as it stood at the end of this round:
1. Michael Myers
2. Moopsy
3. Bimpsie
4. Jason Voorhees
5. Ghostface
6. Pinhead

2. Past Lives: Must callback to a specific reference to something from the original Eagle Time or MS Paint Adventures forums.

Mostly passed by old postmaking contest memes or references. The only rule on this ruleset where you didn’t have to post something different every time.

3. Nimona: Must include an animal. The animal must be different from the animal that last passed this rule.

Didn’t anticipate how just by including two animals in every post you could always pass this rule. Also I opted to consider Moopsy an animal as that is how they are presented in the Lower Decks episode they appear in.

4. Beau Is Afraid: Each post must include a new scary object/creature or idea.

Beau is Afraid is a fucking wild movie. Here’s the list of scary objects creatures and ideas that were used up and no longer applicable.

  • Halloween

  • Spooky

  • Turtle Goblin Thing

  • Blood

  • Hell

  • No Escape

  • Unknowable

  • Stress


  • Michael Myers

  • Afraid

  • Hole

  • Ghost

  • Asteroid

  • Cobweb

  • Fire

  • Spider

  • Lightning

  • Spirit

  • Attacking violently

  • Death

  • Burn

  • Moopsy

  • Bones

  • Headstone

  • Frightening

  • Dagger

  • Jason Vorhees

  • Pinhead

  • Mortal combat

  • Ghostface

5. Spider-Man: Across the Spiderverse: Across the Spiderverse: Must depict a new canon event (which in this context just means any event or situation featuring Spider-Man) or a new alternate universe version of an existing character.

By the end we had had four canon events involving spiderman:

  • Spider-man swings through the city to Hero by Chad Kroeger

  • Spider-man Does Whatever A Spider Can

  • Spins a web any size. Catches thieves just like flies. Watch out there goes the Spider-Man.

  • Rhino attacks spider-man

And we had 12 Alternate Universes:

  • Spooky Shrek

  • Turtle Goblin Thing

  • Domestic life Donkey

  • Winnie The Pooh: Blood and Honey

  • X Strange Wolves

  • Spider-Man: Beyond the Spiderverse AU

  • Ross Bcentral perk

  • HMIYM Arney died

  • the episode of Beagle-Time where Fact Seagull was replaced with Statement Pigeon.

  • Moopsy the rules enforcer

  • Aks said Pinhead instead of Freddy Krueger

  • Aks got it right first time.

I tried to do the thing I’d done for rule 1 where I delineated characters to not include users but then I got inconsistent and let any kind of alternate universe thing pass.

A bit of a mess but I hope everyone had fun.

Thanks Ix!

I don’t think I have any quality ideas for rules right now. I’ll try to cook some up, but if anyone else is interested they can run a set first.

I have to remember how this works. Trying to figure out things that are new, gettable, and fun at the same time.

I just wanted to make a funny post about the TV show Friends and now my brain is trying to invent a Friends ruleset. I have Rules Game Brain Poisoning.
To the esteemed and honored guests of the Post Making Thread:

It is my great honor and privilege to invite you to a round of rule guessing and colorful formatting. You may look forward to participating in all manner of japery and jests, although I sincerely hope we shan’t revisit the…uncouth bone-letting threats presented by parties who, I am sure, wish to express their deepest and profound regrets.

Thank you all for joining me in what is sure to be a pleasant and fanciful endeavor.

Woof and Zoof,
Bartholomew Thaddeus Penrose III.

P.S. This post passes rule 1 and 3, but sadly falls just short of rules 2 and 4.

Dear BTP,

As a veteran of The Great Forum Wars I humbly request that this post is grandfathered in to passing all the rules automatically. I trust that you will make the right decision in this matter, we wouldn’t want this nascent community to be crushed under the heel of my vast vast old money. Or for any administrators to meet any “”“”““unfortunate accidents””“”“”
~I gesture towards a bunch of goons holding crowbars and baseball bats menacingly~

Sincerely yours,
Sir Lord Lankie von Pendlehurst-Smitly Esquire III (the Richest Man On The Internet)
To the esteemed and affluent Lord Pendlehurst-Smitly,

Your missive certainly passes both rules 1 and 3 with grace and ease. However it fails to pass the remaining rules. As a small condolence, and as a humble gesture toward your…strapping entourage, I offer the insight that your failure in passing rule 4 was due to a property unlike the inadequacy located in my opening lines.

Yours in Woofs and Zoofs,


eagle time 01
To the Great and Honorable Bartholomew Thadeus Penrose III,


Crapfully yours,

eagle time 01

Don’t assume how regretful I am. I still have more gifs of Moopsy and I’m not afraid to deploy them.

yours sincerely The Bone Queen
My Dearest crober,

You have passed rule 1 with aplumb! However your correspondence lacks the needed qualities to pass any other rules.

My deepest condolences,

Why Ixcaliber, whatever could you be referring to? You’ve passed rule 1. Nothing else.
To Her Royal Majesty of the Ossified Court,

Thank you for gracing our humble game. I am loathe to inform you, however, that your most recent post passes no rules, despite your earlier showing with the first rule. I hope we shall not dwell too long on the past.

Until the marrow,

Dear hardworking ants of the Northern Ant Empire,

I invite you with great speed to visit the scenic lands of Not My House. It’s a wonderful tourism opportunity. I have spoken with the authorities of this incredible region and they have said they would faint in satisfaction to see you present yourself at their court.

Do you like my typewriter? It’s a Mustang. Great mileage.

Forever in your debt,

[the bottom of the letter is burned off]
What a delightful use of tags and style! Alas, only the first rule is passed. Although, a sincere case could be made for rule 3, I personally deem this correspondence insufficient in that regard.