It's the rules game!

To our most welcome participants,

Greetings and salutations on this, the second day of our game of correspondence composistion. Your contributions have been quite endearing and I look forward to your furthered attempts at besting one another in this colorful contest of wit. In furtherance of this goal, I would like to note that while not a requirement, a particular addition could be instrumental in passing one or more of the rules, although, heretofore I have not seen its use.

Thank you kindly,

P.S. This post passes only rule 3, but once again falls just shy of rules 2 and 4.

Dear Barty T Penrose the Third

Yours Sincerely, The Queen of Bones

fanciful writing

I like how on mobile this is all fanciful writing but when I look at it on desktop its just straight up comic sans baby.

this isn’t even a fancy missive, this is a post in a thread
To the Monarch of Many Joints,

Your skeletal serenade was most welcome. The clattering of brass on bone that echoed through the chambers whilst your courtier sought to replicate the vibratory powers of the flesh brought tears to all present. It vibrantly passes rule 4, but no other rules.

Yours Skeletally,
Barty T.

To the deciphering and observant Sir Lord Pendlehurst-Smitly,

I shall have you know that despite your assertions to the contrary, I have parented no “Comic Sans Baby”. The very thought of such a notion is as absurd as you passing rule 1 on your own merits. Which I believe you have not. No the only rule I see here is a gallant rule 3. Although you came quite close to rule 4, I must admit.


Ah yes! A valiant submission in our game of content and context! You have broken free of the shackles of our formatted flavor. For that, dear crober, you have passed my esteem, and also passed no rules.


I am at Aldi’s.

-Shadow “Shadow” the Hedgehog


I quite enjoyed the Queen of Bones’ last correspondence. It pleases the ears. Do not inquire as to how I receive it. We have our ways. So as to distract you, here is a picture of a bird I have inscribed: :snake:

Call again soon, Crolbert Ibert

The to Lord of Edge,

Your update is well received. Please come back with snacks. You have passed no rules.

Dear Colbert of lbert,

Indeed the performance was…clamorous. As is this delightful “bird” you have sent. Oh! :snake: it seems to have gotten loose. Please be on the lookout. Your message passes both rule 1 and 3.

Dearest esteemed guests,

Ah has it been but three days already? You have been making substantial progress towards solving this regency riddle. Several of you have passed the first and third rules, and The Queen of Bones’ colorful serenade became our first contribution to pass rule four!

Now, I fear I must address a most insidious rumor. It was suggested that I called one of our participants a simpleton, easily replaced, and devoid of understanding context and intention. I must ask that all four of us take a break for I have been mis-quoted. I was not speaking about one of you, but of a rule in our game!

Thank you kindly,

P.S. This post passes rule 1 (despite my efforts) and rule 3, but once again falls just shy of rules 2 and 4.

I read you loud and clear!

To the janitor,

Lord Pendlehurst-Smitly has set his goons amok in the stairwell and ordered them to empty our supply of carbonated confections. Please remedy this situation posthaste. Also, if you encounter Lord Pendlehurst-Smitly, please let his raucousness know that they have passed rule 1.

Dear ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀,


Be there!
To our silent protagonist,

How else can I respond but to say that you have passed rule 2?

I’m afraid that without proper context, I must say this passes no rules.
To my cunning counterparts,

What fun we have had! All rules have been passed at some point, save one which I shall demonstrate forthwith. As I prepare for that, I am most curious what speculations you have regarding the content of the rules up to this point. I have, as I am sure some have surmised, sought to lay out breadcrumbs regarding the rules themselves. While you prepare your responses, allow me to elucidate the content of the fifth and final rule. Ah, I can hear you hissing in anticipation!

{slide=For curious companions}OH S- :snake: AH! CATCH IT! CATCH IT!{/slide}{slide=a secret missive}It’s getting away! :snake: {/slide}{slide=in a susfishous meter}F-:snake: IT BIT ME!{/slide}

No! It escaped! DAMN THAT SNAKE!

Well…doesn’t that just ruin everything!

Excuse me while I retire to the infirmary.

Oh right. This post passes rule 1, fails 2 (barely, by intention), fails 3 and 4 (by accident), and rule 5…rule 5 is undeterminable, it neither passes nor fails.

You ever just read a post and don’t parse a single word of it?

Bone Queen etc

Look Bone Queen, I was snake-bit so I am in a mood.

First off: Passes rule 1, nothing else. Same for this post actually.

Secondly: I don’t know how much clearer it could be. I was giving you a post that would have passed all rules save rule 2, (maybe not rule 1, who knows). But then crobert’s “bird” showed up in my secret note, caused havoc, and now that post only passes rule 1, and it can’t pass or fail rule 5.

Hello friends! Well wishes to all!

The snake has been caught and there is nothing to worry about! I have misplaced my good stationary but no reason we can’t return to the great puzzles and japery of days past!

I thank you all for your participation in the game so far, and I will mention that, as host I can assure a pleasant and reptile free environment from now onwards!

Gracefully yours,


I have no idea where that snake is. I hear it in the walls.

P.S. This post passes rule 1, 3, and 5.

Dear BTP and Mr. :snake:
{slide=I’ve solved}crash-bottle{/slide}
{slide=your puzzle}crash-bottle{/slide}
{slide=Riddle Master!}crash-bottle{/slide}

Soda Ruiner

Ah, the accordion! Secret messages only a click away!

Indeed I was constructing the bbcode thread while writing the rules for this challenge. The accordion is the instrumental addition I mentioned on the second day.

However, I will say that while this block can be helpful for passing rules it is not required, and the context and content of its use is important. Out of the 5, only 1 rule can be reliably passed independently of context, as mentioned on day 3.

And with that context in mind, I will say that your post has passed Rule 1 and 3 (although some could argue against that). I will also give this bit of information:

No post with that :snake: will pass all rules.