It's the rules game!

Passes rules 2, 3 and 5.

I loved the episode of Beagle-Time where Fact Seagull was haunted by Statement Pigeon.

I had to improvise a new round because the one I had premade really depended a lot on having at least access to the original Postmaking threads.

But anyway I have worked out a new one and this one is themed around some of my favourite movies of this year so far.

And just for reference yes I have watched a lot of Halloween movies recently but none of these are Michael Myers themed.

This post passes rules 1, 2 and 4.

So the little “search” icon in the top right is very useful. It will quickly show you every post in a thread that has a character sequence. It even works with emojis if you search the text notation (i.e :spider:)

Any ideas why my copy of Ix’s opening post didn’t pass the same rules the original did?

Passes rules 2 and 3.

Passes rule 2.

Passes no rules.

Rule 1 sure is a mystery. What if I were to say… Labor Day?

Love the idea but passes no rules.

I no longer give a shit about my favourite movies of 2023 or Michael Myers or whatever the fuck else I’ve been going on about in this thread all I care about now is Moopsy.

This is Moopsy. They are the new ruleset enforcer. Pass rules or get your bones drunk.

Passes rules 1, 3, 4 and 5.

Moopsy. Pet Moopsy or get your knees eaten.
Moopsy. Post Moopsy or get your bones drunk.

I am even smarter now!

Passes rule 4 only.

Passes rules 2 and 3. It’s close to passing rule 1 but it just doesn’t do it.

I no longer give a shit about my favourite movies of 2023 or Michael Myers or whatever the fuck else I’ve been going on about in this thread all I care about now is Moopsy.

This is Moopsy. They are the new ruleset enforcer. Pass rules or get your bones drunk.

Passes rule 3. Close to passing rule 1 but not quite.

BI no longer give a shit about my favourite movies of 2023 or Michael Myers or whatever the fuck else I’ve been going on about in this thread all I care about now is Moopsy.


Passes no rules. While it’s close to passing rule 1 it doesn’t quite.

Passes no rules. If I was going to be generous I’d say that it maybe gestures in the direction of rule 2, but I don’t think intentionally. If I was going to be super generous I’d say that it could pass rule 3 but its a stretch.

Uh oh look out here they come.

I have strong feelings about my bones staying in my body, thank you.

moopsy will drink your bones now now now


sip sip sip


And i have strong feelings about my gifs being visible in posts. Passes no rules.

Passes rule 4 only.